Online Hostel Bookings

Traveler's Soul Inn Nanjing

Accommodation Type : Hotel

Travelers Soul Inn is located within the newly renovated 1865, formerly the Nanjing Machinery Manufacturing Bureau -- just a stones throw away from the 600-year-old City Wall of Nanjing and gently flowing QinHuai river and numerous of Nanjings other renowned points of interest, including the Confucius Temple and the Rain Flower Rooftop.

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Traveler's Soul Inn Nanjing Loading
Hotel Rating

Average Rating: 92%

Lowest Price / Person

Prices shown above are per person and may vary at different dates or for different types of rooms. Enter your arrival date for final price.

  Latest Reviews

  Andrew C... 

It was really clean, the showers were excellent. The staff were helpful in case you gave them time to understand what you wanted. It was in a noiseless area.

  Julie S... 

Really great hostel with a fantastic garden and terrace ! Love it :)

  Inga F... 

Price is affordable close to the metro (15 mins to walk) beds are very cozy

  Customer Review 

The rooms were clean as nicely as the hostel itself was big. They have a restuarant/bar which is nice and convenient. Although, the costs are a little high, the food was good. Overall, I like this hostel and will most likely stay here if I take a look at Nanjing again.

  Lim Eng C... 

Overall environment was excellent and excellent. Room is clean, security is good

  Customer Review 

Great location. Original and comfortable. Decent facilities with nice staff.

  Joshua G... 

Very clean, the hostel itself is gorgeous and set up realy well. Low-cost drinks at the bar and very skilled entertainers at night out near the bar. Pool table was great and far more places you could need to sit and relax out. very spacous also.

  Customer Review 

They had a nice coffee bar and a cool outdoor landscape. The location was noiseless and a bit withdrawn. The room had excellent heating. The spot is a short walk to the city&'s wall.

  Alfredo D... 

Los dormitorios son realmente limpios, y es una propiedad bastante bonita, con mucho verde afuera y en general muy silenciosa, ha excepci&on del ruido de los trenes que de vez en cuando pasan de noche. Cuenta con un bar no muy economico pero con muy buena musica, buena opcion de cervezas y comida. Ademas de mesa de billar y lugares para relajarse y leer.

* Traveler's Soul Inn Nanjing rated 4.11 out of 5 based on 9 customer reviews. Hostel reviews with a star rating are sourced from HostelBookers.
Lowest Price Guarantee

If you find Traveler's Soul Inn Nanjing with the same booking conditions at a lower rate somewhere else on the internet after you have booked, we will refund you the total difference.

You can cancel your reservation free of charge up to 2 days before your arrival. Traveler's Soul Inn Nanjing provides :

   Free Linen

   Free Towel

   Free Luggage Room

Hotel Facilities

  Air Conditioning


  Car Parking

  No Curfew

  Lockers In Dorms

  Lounge Area


  24 Hour Reception


  Safety Deposit

  24 Hour Hot Showers

  Tours/Travel Desk

  Washing Machines

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Property Map and Nanjing Hostels